
Location: Northwestern region of Diveria

Race: Humans

Affiliation: divinity king

TerrainSurrounded by deciduous forests, this lusciously green region experiences both warmer weather and colder climates.

Significant Locations

The Inner City

Centralized in the landscape, thi

consuming tall structures, roaring

cars, and streets packed with people

The Northern Forest

This is where The Guardian of Emblems first begins. There was no snow, so snow should start to fall.

One of the two forest’s that claim to have “hauntings.”

The Southern Forest

One of the two forest’s that claim to have “hauntings,” even to be as descriptive as to say “a small monster with silver eyes.” Neetri chased Mortimer and Vanilor here. Unofficially known to have the “easiest” means in/out of the city. 

The Western Forest

Home to Promit, his sister Bindetta, and their father. 

The Eastern Forest

Home to Promit, his sister Bindetta, and their father.